Toxic Waste That Is Floating In The Oceans

     A documentary I watched recently showed the environmental damage of plastic and other toxic waste that is floating in the oceans. A family dedicated to science and the environment traveled 1,500 miles in order to arrive at a place where ocean currents gather the garbage. These natural calm spots in the ocean are called gyres. An ocean gyre is a system of circular ocean currents formed by the Earth’s wind patterns and the forces created by the rotation of the planet (from National Geographic webpage).

      On their journey to the location they found various kinds of garbage floating on the ocean. But, when they arrived at the gyre they began to strain the water in order to filter out the garbage. The plastic was not always easily visible. The composition had changed. Now the plastic was at times like a gelatin, sometimes stringy, sometimes in large and small globs. They found bottle caps and other plastic containers, but mostly the plastic was not identifiable.

      The scientists on the documentary explained that while the plastic changes composition, it does not go away or return to a harmless state. Instead, it becomes something that fish and ocean life ingest as they swim in it. It clings to the ocean creatures, or it becomes part of them after they consume it. This ingested plastic becomes part of the food chain, all the way up to humans who consume the fish, or shrimp, or dolphins.

      I admit I was surprised that when they arrived at the gyre that they did not find a huge Texas-sized mass of garbage and plastics. I did not realize how the plastic changed its form to become even more dangerous. A fish will not eat a plastic bottle, but it does try to filter water that is full of toxic plastic polymers.

      Many of you know that I have made a commitment to avoid consuming water from plastic bottles. I know that my choice does not change the amount of plastic garbage very much, but I have the chance to think about alternatives to plastic. I can be a witness to another way of consuming to those who have not thought about their choices. I can raise awareness that our choices to consume and drink have consequences, even moral consequences.

Please become aware and choose carefully!

Peace, Fr. Andy